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MiniCAD Sample

MiniCAD sample demonstrates runtime modification of deprecated 3DS and SOR types of geometories based on arc/line splines.

Running MiniCAD Sample

MiniCAD application loads by default MiniCAD.mdg model, which has two top level objects the first object is a 3DS. The second object is a Surface Of Revolution. The user can load and save any DInsight model.

User Interface

Top Level Objects group of the dialogue allows switching between entities of the model. Name edit box displays name of the current entity. Note that for simplicity only top-level objects can be made current. ObjArray Sample demonstrates browsing child objects. 

Current joint edit box displays index of the current joint and segment next to it, properties of which are displayed in Joint and Segment groups. For 3DS objects joints are numbered normally in counter clockwise direction when looking from the end of z axis (blue) starting from the joint nearest to positive X axis (red).

Depending on the type of the current object the dialogue displays either "Cross Position" group (3DS) or angle range for SOR.

When "Knot" check box in "Cross Position" is off, edit box of cross position group allows changing the current cross position, where all parameter values will be applied.  To enter the new position press Tab key or otherwise switch focus out of the edit box. The relevant data in the dialogue will be updated immediately. Turning "Knot" check box on sets cross position to value of the current knot. Current knot index will be visible in Cross Position group in this situation. When "Knot" check box is on, switching focus will change value of the current knot. This allows changing z dimension of the entity.

Angle range group for SOR objects is quite straightforward.

Edit boxes of "Joint" group allow to change coordinates of the current joint for both types of objects.

Segment group displays radius or curvature of the arc which has the current joint as its first end. Segment Group is available only when current segment is an arc.

Move Entity group allows changing position and orientation of local frame of the entity and hence position of the entity with respect to other entities.

The Options dialogue allows to increase or reduce Geometrical resolution.

Modifying the model

Segment group displays properties of the segment which is next to the point (in CCV direction for closed strip).

To enter a new value of properties, press "Apply" button. If entered values are valid, the model will change in 3D.

Cross position is important for modifications. When cross position coincides with a knot all changes apply to ends of 3d edges. Otherwise if it is a straight line, the whole 3d edge will be translated.

To view or modify z axis knot values turn "Knot" check box on in the Cross Position group.

To use Move Entity group, enter values in edit boxes and press the Move Button. The entity will change it position relatively to global axes.

See also: Sample List.