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IPointCloud_KC Interface


Operations with point sets. IPointCloud_KC can be queried from ISection interface implemented by Point Set entities

See also: Cloud sample

HRESULT GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox(VARIANT_BOOL localAxes, IBox** box)


localAxes - [in] If true the ranges in the returned box will be related to the local axes of the entity, which implements this interface. Otherwise the ranges are related to the global axes

box - [out, retval] Interface implemented by new box


Use this method to obtain Axis Aligned Bounding box of the entity. If localAxes is true the box will be aligned to locan axes of the point set entity

HRESULT GetOrientedBoundingBox(IBox* box)

box - [in, out] Interface implemented by a box created by the caller


This interface calculates dimensions of minimal Oriented Bounding Box of the point set. The method does not change its orientation, which is expected to be set by the caller.

To use this method:

  • Ccreate a new box using DG Kernel > GetModel() > IModel > IDIObjGenerator > IDIObjGenerator.Create(EObjectType.eObjTypeBox)  > IBox.

  • Query I3DObject and IFrame2 from IBox.

  • Use I3DObject and IFrame2 to set location and orientation of the box

  • Call GetOrientedBoundingBox(IBox* box) to calculate dimensions of the box

  • Use methods of IBox to acces the dimensions

See also: Cloud sample

HRESULT FitOrientedBoundingBoxAveragesMethod( int* result, IBox** box)

This method is not supported since v6.1. Contact us for suggestions.


result - [out] The return code: -1 if the set was empty; 0 if there was an internal error. Use IError_KC to obtain textual description of an error

box - [out, retval] Interface implemented by new box


The method calculates orientation and dimension of a "good fit" bounding box, volume of which is close to minimal. The returned box if not guaranteed to be optimal, but it is much faster than the exact method below

HRESULT GetMinimumOrientedBoundingBox( float tolerance, int performanceVsPrecision, int* result, IBox** box)


tolerance - Precision of the calculation. It affects performance. Valid range: 1e-5 to 0,3

performanceVsPrecision - Precision of the calculation.  Valid values are 0, 1 or 2. Choose 0 for best performance. Choose 2 for best precision.

result - [out] The return code: -1 if the set was empty; 0 if there was an internal error. Use IError_KC to obtain textual description of an error

box - [out, retval] Interface implemented by new box


The method calculates orientation and dimension of the minimal volume bounding box. The method is computationally expensive. Use FitOrientedBoundingBoxAveragesMethod() above if fast estimation is sufficient. It is recommended to tune in the parameters experimenting with the application for best performance.

HRESULT GetMeanPoint(DIPoint* mean)


mean - The returned mean point of the point set


The method calculates the mean point (center of weight) of the set.

HRESULT ReduceData(VARIANT_BOOL leave, int start, int step, int end)


leave - If true all points except ones specified in the start, step, end parameters will be deleted. If false only the specified points are deleted

start - The first index of the specified subset of points. Must be less then or equal to end.

step - Only each step-th point is included in the specified subset. Must be greater than zero. when step is 1 no points are skipped

end - The last index of the specified subset of points. Must be greater then or equal to start


The method removes points as specified by the parameters from the point set. Use step = 1 to remove or leave all points from the start, end range.