ISection Interface
- GetEntityType
- GetName
- SetName
- GetGeomResolution
- SetGeomResolution
- GetChildCount
- GetChild
- GetVisibleFlag
- SetVisible
- GetParent
- GetItemCount
- GetItem
ISection interface should be rather called IObject. It is implemented by each
object in the model. ISection controls common properties of an object and gives
access to other interfaces related to geometry of the object.
ISection of a top-level object of the model can be obtained either via query:
DG Kernel>GetModel>IModel>GetEntity.
ISection of a child object can be obtained from ISection of its parent with a
call to GetChild method.
See also Patch Tutorial, MiniCAD Sample,
Interface List
HRESULT GetEntityType(char* szType)
szType -
[out] pointer to the string which will contain the object type name.
- Remarks
- Returns type name of the object.
HRESULT GetName(char* szName)
szName - [out] pointer to the string which will
contain object name.
- Remarks
Object name is an optional name assigned to the object to distinguish from
another entities during modelling and runtime access.
HRESULT SetName(char* szName)
szName - [in] pointer to the string which will
contain object name.
- Remarks
Object name is an optional name assigned to the object to distinguish from
another entities during modelling and runtime access.
HRESULT GetGeomResolution(int *pnRes)
pnRes- [out] pointer to an integer
variable, which will contain the resolution
- Remarks
- See remarks for the SetGeomResolution method below.
HRESULT SetGeomResolution(int nRes)
nRes - [in] New resolution.
- Remarks
- The Geometrical resolution is a positive integer which determines how
fine is approximation of the surface. Increasing this number leads to a better surface rendering but increases computational load on the machine. Geometrical resolution is set on per object basis and is
saved with the model.
HRESULT GetChildCount(int *pnCount)
pnCount - [out] pointer to an
integer variable which will receive the number of children this object has.
- Remarks:
Returns the number of child entities, which are joined to this object. See also Structure of DI Models.
HRESULT GetChild (int index, ISection **ppIEntity)
- [in] zero-based index of the object.
ppIEntity - [out] returned pointer to ISection interface.
Return Values
- S_OK in case of success
- DISP_E_BADINDEX - if index is negative or greater
than or equal to number of objects in the model.
- Remarks:
- The method returns a reference to ISection Interface of the index-th
child object. Call Release() on the obtained interface when finished with it.
See also Structure of DI Models.
HRESULT GetVisibleFlag(bool *pbVisible)
pbVisible - [out] pointer to a
Boolean variable which will be set to true if the object is currently visible.
- Remarks:
Call to retrieve the current visibility status.
HRESULT SetVisible(bool bVisible)
bVisible - [in] if false the object
will not be rendered in the model.
- Remarks:
Call to change the current visibility status.
HRESULT GetParent(ISection **ppIEntity)
ppIEntity - [out] pointer to the variable,
which will receive ISection pointer, implemented by the parent, or NULL
- Remarks:
If the entity (which implements this ISection) does not
have a parent, the ISection* variable pointed to by ppIEntity will
be set to NULL but the method will return S_OK. The method can be used to check
if the object has a parent. Otherwise it is a top-level object in the model.
HRESULT GetItemCount(int* count)
count - [out] pointer to the variable,
which will receive the count
- Remarks:
Returns the number of non-entity child items of the entity
HRESULT GetItem(int index, IItem **iItem)
iItem - [out] pointer to the variable, which will
receive IItem pointer