ILineGeom Interface
- RotatePoint
- IntersectPlane
- GetNearestPoint
ILineGeom interface allows performing calculations related to an arbitrary
line in 3D space. ILineGeom can be queried from ILine,
which is normally created as an independent object using IDIObjejGenerator.Create
or IDIObjGenerator.Create2 of the Object
Generator with eType parameter set to 1 which is value of the eObjTypeLine
member form the Object Type enumeration.
See also: Interface list
HRESULT RotatePoint(double degrees, DIPoint* point)
degrees- [in] angle in degrees to rotate by,
which can be negative
point - [in,out] Point to be rotated around the
line, which implements the interface
DISP_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL if point is a NULL reference.
DI_E_INVALIDGEOMETRY if direction vector of the line has zero length.
Use ILine.GetDirection and ILineSetDirection
to access the property.
- S_OK in case of
The method changes the point to its position after rotation around the line.
Result depends on sign of degrees. Positive values produce CCW
rotations if looking in direction opposite to the direction of line. Position and direction of the line can be specified using ILine
interface of the same object.
HRESULT IntersectPlane(DIPoint* locationPlane, DIVect* normalPlane, double* position, int* result
locationPlane- [in] Point the plane passes
normalPlane - [in] Normal of the plane
position - [out] calculated position of the interentity point
on the line. (Dist to the origin of the line). position can be
supplied to ILine.GetPoint to obtain 3D
coordinates of the interentity
result - [out] Result code. 0 - if failed. (See below), 1 - if
success, 2 - if the line belongs to the plane and there is no interentity, 3 -
if the line is parallel to the plane and there is no interentity.
DISP_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL if any of the parameters is NULL.
DI_E_INVALIDGEOMETRY if direction vector of the line or normal has
zero length.
- S_OK in case of
The method calculates interentity of the line, which implements this
interface (the line where this ILineMetr was queried from) with the specified 3D
plane. Position and direction of the line can be specified using ILine
interface of the same object. Direction of the line and normalPlane
must not be zero vectors. Use ILine.GetPoint
to convert position to 3D coordinates of the interentity
point. The result return code can be used to determine
relative orientation of the line and the plane.
HRESULT GetNearestPoint(DIPoint* point, double* position, double* distance )
point- [in] point in 3D space to which the
nearest position on the line is to be found
position - [out] calculated position of the nearest point
on the line. (Dist to the origin of the line). position can be
supplied to ILine.GetPoint to obtain 3D
coordinates of the interentity.
distance - [out] Calculated distance from point
to the line, which is equal to distance form point to the
nearest point.
DISP_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL if any of the parameters is NULL.
DI_E_INVALIDGEOMETRY if direction vector of the line has
zero length.
- S_OK in case of
The method calculates distance from point to the line, which implements this
interface (the line where this ILineMetr was queried from). Position of the
nearest point on the line returned in position. Use ILine.GetPoint
to convert position to 3D coordinates of the interentity