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IClipArray Interface


Manages set of six clipping planes of a object.

See also IClipPlane interfaceInterface List

HRESULT IsEnabled( int nPlane, bool * pbEnabled)


nPlane - [in] index of the plane - integer value between 0 and 5.

pbEnabled- [out] pointer to the Boolean variable, which will be set to true if the plane is enabled 

Return Values

S_OK in case of success.


Retrieves status of the plane nPlane. If it is not enabled it has no effect on the model. This method is a shortcut for IsEnabled method from IClipPlane interface

HRESULT Enable( int nPlane, bool bEnable)


nPlane - [in] index of the plane - integer value between 0 and 5.

bEnable - [in] new value for enabled status of the plane. 

Return Values

S_OK in case of success.


Changes status of the plane nPlane. If it is not enabled it has no effect on the model. This method is a shortcut for Enable method from IClipPlane interface

HRESULT GetClipPlane( int nPlane, IClipPlane **ppIPlane)


nPlane - [in] index of the plane - integer value between 0 and 5.

ppIPlane - [out] pointer to a IClipPlane* variable, which will receive pointer to IClipPlane interface implemented by the plane.

Return Values

S_OK in case of success.


Retrieves IClipPlane interface implemented by plane nPlane