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IAxis Interface


Methods of base class ILocation:


IAxis interface is implemented by objects to give access to a property, which is an axis in 3D space. An axis is uniquely defined by its point of origin and a non-zero vector of direction. IAxis interface is inherited from (and hence has all methods of) ILocation interface.

See also Modal View Sample, ILocation interface and Interface List

HRESULT GetDirection( double * pdVX, double * pdVY, double * pdVZ )


pdVX, pdVY, pdVZ - [out] pointers to the double variables which will receive the coordinates.

Return Values

S_OK in case of success.

HRESULT SetDirection( double dVX, double dVY, double dVZ )


dX, dY, dZ - [in] coordinates of new direction vector. The vector must not be zero.

Return Values

DI_E_INVALIDGEOMETRY  if all parameters are equal to zero .

S_OK in case of success.