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I2DView_KC Interface

I2DView_KC interface provides access to 2D View in 2D mode of DG Kernel component

I2DView_KC can be queried from IView interface of the component.. Query path: DG Kernel > GetView > IView > I2DView_KC

See also Interface List

HRESULT GetContext(IKCContext **context)


context - [out, retval] IKCContext implemented by the view


Gives access to properties of the 2D View

HRESULT AddText(int xLoc, int yLoc, char* text, IText **iText)


xLoc, yLoc- [in] location of the text in pixels relative to the upper left corner of the control's window

text - [in] string of the text item to be added to the scene

iText- [out, retval] - Not used in this update. The return is always NULL


S_OK in case of success.


Adds a text string at the location. Use DeviceToGeom and GeomToDevice to convert to geometric coordinates in x and y axes. It is recommended to call this method in the end of scene definition, after geometric objects have been added.

HRESULT DeviceToGeom(int k, int coord, double *val)


k- [in] Window coordinate in pixels from the left edge of the window if coord = 0 and from the top edge of the window if coord = 1

coord - [in] indicates the coordinate. Valid values: 0 (horizontal) and 1 - (vertical)

val - [out, retval] The returned value of the geometric coordinate along x (coord = 0) or y axis (coord = 1)


The method converts a window coordinate to geometric coordinate along x (coord = 0) or y axis (coord = 1). The operation is inverse to GeomToDevice()

HRESULT GeomToDevice(double val, int coord, int *k)


val - [in] Geometric coordinate along x (coord = 0) or y axis (coord = 1)

coord - [in] indicates the coordinate. Valid values: 0 (horizontal) and 1 - (vertical)

k- [out, retval] Window coordinate in pixels from the left edge of the window if coord = 0 and from the top edge of the window if coord = 1


The method converts geometric coordinate along x (coord = 0) or y axis (coord = 1) to the correspondent window coordinate. The operation is inverse to DeviceToGeom()

HRESULT RemoveAll()


Removes all items from the 2D View (clears the scene).

HRESULT AddText2(double x, double y, char* text, IText **iText)


x, y - [in] 2D geometric coordinates for the location of the text

text - [in] string of the text item to be added to the scene

iText- [out, retval] - Not used in this update. The return is always NULL


S_OK in case of success.


Adds a text string at the location. Use GeomToDevice and DeviceToGeom to convert to window coordinates (pixels). It is recommended to call this method in the end of scene definition, after geometric objects have been added.