ILineMetr(2) Interface
- IntersectObject
- IntersectModel
Note: ILineMetr and ILineMetr2 interfaces are
supported only in Enterprise version of DG Kernel components
ILineMetr interface is implemented by objects with location and direction
(geometric lines). It allows performing different calculations related to a 3D
line. In this release the interface has a single method. ILineMetr can be
expanded (but not changed) in future releases. ILineMetr interface can be
queried from an ILine interface.
ILineMetr and ILineMetr2 interfaces have the same methods which produce
identical result in identical situations. The difference is in the algorithm
applied internally and in performance, which is important as the operation
applies considerable load on the computer.
Implementation of ILineMetr2 is more sophisticated. During the first call to
either methods of ILineMetr2 some intermediate information is calculated
and stored in memory, which is used to improve performance in consecutive calls.
This means that ILineMetr2 should be used when the application expects numerous
repetitive calls to methods of ILineMetr2 for different positions/orientations
of the line while internal geometry of the object or model remains unchanged.
When there are only few calls to the methods, ILineMetr quite often offers
better performance. The final decision should be made after few experiments with
both interfaces. The difference in performance is also greater for larger models
with finer surface approximation
See also:
Cannon sample,
Interface List
HRESULT IntersectObject(ISection*
iObject, IDIData** iPoints)
iObject- [in] reference to a 3D
iPoints - [out] returned data objects, contacting
information about all interentity points and normal at point of interentity.
- S_OK in case of
The method calculates interentity of the line, which implements this
interface (the line where this ILineMetr was queried from) with the object. The
method is computationally intensive. See comments above.
HRESULT IntersectModel(IModel* iModel, IData**
iModel- [in] reference to IModel interface
iIPoints - [out] returned data objects, contacting
information about all interentity points and normal at point of interentity.
- S_OK in case of
The method calculates interentity of the line, which implements this
interface (the line where this ILineMetr was queried from) with the object.The
method is computationally intensive. See comments above.