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ISmartLabelManager_KC Interface


Access to Smart Label Manager. Can be queried from IView. IDynamicScreenItemManager_KC, which can be queried from this interface, provides additional functionality

See also: Smart Labels, Smart Labels sample

HRESULT GetLabel(int index, ILabel3D_KC** label)

Returns index-th managed label

HRESULT CreateLabelsAutomatic()

Creates smart labels one per each entity in the model independently on child/parent relationship and adds them to the array of managed items. The labels are created with attributes specified by the template acquired with the GetLabelCreationTemplate method below.

The label is not added if the object already has a smart child label with the same attachment point and text string

HRESULT CreateObjectLabelAutomatic(ISection* object, VARIANT_BOOL includeChildren, VARIANT_BOOL childrenOnly)

Creates smart labels one per each child entity of object and adds them to the array of managed items. The labels are created with attributes specified by the template acquired with the GetLabelCreationTemplate method below.

The label is not added if the object already has a smart child label with the same attachment point and text string

HRESULT SetStringSource(EStringSource type)
HRESULT GetStringSource(EStringSource* type)

If type is EStringSource.eStringSourceObjectName labels created during a call to AddNewLabel, CreateLabelsAutomatic or CreateObjectLabelAutomatic have text which is name of the parent object. When type is EStringSource.eStringSourceLayerName layer name of the parent object is used. Otherwise the name specified in the template is used

HRESULT SetTextToRectangleMargin(float textHeightToMarginRatio)
HRESULT GetTextToRectangleMargin(float* textHeightToMarginRatio)

Smart label rectangle size is determined by the text (font) size plus a margin, measured as a ratio of the text height. This property specifies the ratio. The default is 0.15

HRESULT AddNewLabel(ISection* parent, ILabel3D_KC** label)

Creates a new smart label, adds it as a child item of parent and adds it to the array of managed items. ILabel3D_KC is returned for convenience for further modifications. It parent is null the label is created as the last top-level item. The label is created with attributes copied form the template.

HRESULT GetLabelCreationTemplate(ILabel3D_KC** label)

Gives acess to the template, which defines attributes of new labels created with AddNewLabel, CreateLabelsAutomatic or CreateObjectLabelAutomatic

HRESULT GetExtendedProperties(IKCContext** context)

Gives acess to the Extended Properties of smart labels,