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IStrip Interface




This interface gives access to strips

See also Segment strips, Patch Tutorial, MiniCAD Sample, Interface List

HRESULT GetJointCount(int * pnCount)


pnCount - [out] pointer to the variable which will receive the number of connectors in the strip.

Return Values

S_OK in case of success.


Case when returned count is zero means that the strip is empty in case of 2D segment strips obtained from 3DS objects. In general situation there is one exception: A circle or similar closed line In this case the IsClosed method returns true. Note that empty strips (strips without elements of any kind) are not closed. See strips for more information.

HRESULT GetElement( int index, bool segment, IElement **ppIElem )  


index - [in] zero-based index of the element.

segment - [in] if true the index-th element will be returned, if false  index-th connector will be returned.

ppIElem - [out] returned IElement reference. 

Return Values

S_OK in case of success.


The method returns index-th item in the requested array. See strips for details.

HRESULT IsClosed( bool *pbClosed)  


pbClosed - [out] pointer to a Boolean variable, which will be set to true is the loop is closed and to false otherwise.

Return Values

S_OK in case of success.


If the strip is closed ( Its ends coincide, see Segment Strips for details ) the Boolean variable pointed to by pbClosed will be set to true and false otherwise.