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Skip Navigation LinksHome Page > DG Kernel Control > Programmatic Functionality > Core Types > VectDg Go to ActiveX docs Search Documentation

VectDg Class

A 3D vector.

VectDg(double vx, double vy, double vz);
VectDg(VectDg v);
VectDg(bool random);    //Point with random coordinates in [-1,1] range
void Copy(VectDg v);
void Get(out double vx, out double vy, out double vz);
double Get(int i);
double this[int index];
static VectDg operator +(VectDg v0, VectDg v1);
static VectDg operator -(VectDg v0, VectDg v1);
static VectDg operator ^(VectDg v0, VectDg v1); // Cross product
static double operator *(VectDg v0, VectDg v1);// Scalar product
static VectDg operator *(double m, VectDg v);// Scaling
void Scale(double m);
double Angle(VectDg v);
void Set(double vx, double vy, double vz);
double Dist(VectDg v);
double DistMax(VectDg v);
bool Is(double x, double y, double z, double tolerance);
bool Is(double x, double y, double z
bool IsOrtho(VectDg v);
bool IsOrtho(VectDg v, double tolerance);
bool IsSame(VectDg v);
bool IsSame(VectDg v, double tolerance);
bool IsCollinear(VectDg v);
bool IsCollinear(VectDg v, double tolerance);
bool IsCoplanar(VectDg v0, VectDg v1);
bool IsCoplanar(VectDg v0, VectDg v1, double tolerance);
bool IsUnitary();
bool IsUnitary(double tolerance);
bool IsZero();
bool IsZero(double tolerance);
double Length();
double LengthMax();
double LengthSquare();
VectDg GetNormalized();
bool Normalize();
bool Normalize(double tolerance);
double Product(VectDg v); //Scalar product
VectDg CrossProduct(VectDg vec);
void Rotate(VectDg axis, double angle);
VectDg GetRotated(VectDg axis, double angle);
VectDg GetVectorProjection(VectDg v);
bool MakeOrtho(VectDg v);
VectDg GetAnyOrthoVector()
void MakeRandom();//Make random coordinates in [-1,1] range