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Skip Navigation LinksHome Page > API Reference > General Geometry > Surfaces > IRectangularTrimmedSurface_DG Go to ActiveX docs Search Documentation

IRectangularTrimmedSurface_DG Interface


RectangleDg Trim
IUVSurface_DG Surface        //The basis surface



The interface represents a surface which is a part of another basis surface defined by a rectangular subset of its parameters.

Normally IRectangularTrimmedSurface_DG is obtained via query IEntity_DG > GetGeometry() > IGeometry_DG > query/cast IBRepGeometry_DG > Shape property > query/cast IBRepSolid_DG > GetOuterShell() > GetFace() > Surface property > IUVSurface_DG > query IRectangularTrimmedSurface_DG.

Example (C#):
// Returns either length or -1 
double GetAxisIfTheSurfaceIsCylindricalTrimmed(IUVSurface_DG surfaceUV, out LineDg axis)
      axis = null;
      ESurfaceType_DG type = surfaceUV.GetSurfaceType();
      if (type == ESurfaceType_DG.RectangularTrimmed)
          IRectangularTrimmedSurface_DG trimmedSurf = surfaceUV.As<IRectangularTrimmedSurface_DG>();
          IUVSurface_DG uvSurfBasis = trimmedSurf.Surface;
          ESurfaceType_DG typeBase = uvSurfBasis.GetSurfaceType();
          if (typeBase == ESurfaceType_DG.Cylinder)
            ICylinder_DG cylind = uvSurfBasis.As<ICylinder_DG>();
            IFrame_DG frame = cylind.Location;
            axis = frame.GetAxisRay(2);
            RangeDg rg = trimmedSurf.GetTrimRange(false);
            return rg.GetLength();
    return -1.0;

A new object implementing IRectangularTrimmedSurface_DG can be constructed as (example):

      IObjectGenerator_DGPtr gen = m_iModel; 
      ICylinder_DG iCylinder =  gen.Create("ICylinder_DG").As<ICylinder_DG>();
      IUVSurface_DG iSurfBase = iCylinder.As<IUVSurface_DG;>
      IRectangularTrimmedSurface_DG iSurfTrimmed = gen.Create("IRectangularTrimmedSurface_DG", iSurfBase).As<IRectangularTrimmedSurface_DG>();
      IObjectGenerator_DGPtr gen = m_iModel; 
      ICylinder_DG iCylinder =  gen.Create("ICylinder_DG").As<ICylinder_DG>();
      IUVSurface_DG iSurfBase = iCylinder.As<IUVSurface_DG;>
      double uMin, uMax, vMin, vMax;
      iSurfBase.GetParameterRange(true, out uMin, out uMax);
      iSurfBase.GetParameterRange(false, out vMin, out vMax);
      IDictionary_DG context = gen.Create("IDictionary_DG");
      context.SetInterface("Basis", iSurfBase);
      context.SetDouble("uMin", uMin);
      context.SetDouble("uMax", uMax);
      context.SetDouble("vMin", vMin);
      context.SetDouble("vMax", vMax);
      IRectangularTrimmedSurface_DG iSurfTrimmed = gen.Create("IRectangularTrimmedSurface_DG", context).As<IRectangularTrimmedSurface_DG>();

Implements also: IGeometricObject_DG, IObject_DG.

void GetTrimRange(bool u, out double min, out double max)

RangeDg GetTrimRange(bool u)

void SetTrimRange(bool u, double min, double max)

void SetTrimRange(bool u, RangeDg range)