IMetrics_DG Interface
- DistPoint
- Dist
- Dist1
- IsCloserThan
- GetDimensions
- GetLocalDimensions
- GetPointLocation
- GetSize
double DistPoint(PointDg point, PointDg pointNearest)
double Dist(IMetrics_DG metricObjectOther, PointDg pointThis, PointDg pointOther)
double Dist1(IMetrics_DG metricObjectOther, MetrDistContext_DG context, IMapUnkn_DG nearestThisToOtherMap)
bool IsCloserThan(IMetrics_DG metricObjectOther, double distance, MetrIsCloserThanContext_DG context)
BoxDg GetDimensions()
Axis-aligned bounding box of the object
BoxDg GetLocalDimensions(BoxDg localBox)
int GetPointLocation(PointDg pt)
double GetSize()
Maximal dimension of the bounding box returned by the GetDimensions()