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Transform Sample

Transform application demonstrates usage of  IGeometricObject_DG for scaling and translation of different types of objects. It also demonstrates surface offset operation performed by IMesh_DG.Offset

Running Transform Sample

Transform.mdg model displayed by the application contains three objects of different types. Top group of radio buttons allows selection of an object to be transformed. The middle group of radio buttons selects the operation to be performed. Edit boxes at the bottom allow changing either scaling factors, translation vector or rotation axis, depending on the selected operation. The operation is executed on each apply button. File > Reload menu option allows discarding changes.

Translate Frame operation allows changing position of the local frame relative to the rest of the object

For Sphere object translation operation is allowed only for translation along z- axis because it is a Surface Of Revolution. Other translations are possible in this situation also, but they modify shape of the object. This is caused by the requirement for the local z axis to be axis of the rotational symmetry. 

The offset operation is available currently only for Mesh Entity type of objects.

See also: Sample List.