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DGKC Controls

DGKC .NET controls allows displaying and modifying 3D models. See Creating models.

There are two .NET controls in the installation: DGKCn6 (.NET 6.0) and DGKC (.NET 4.8). Differences between all DGK controls are only at top-level. Core implementation is shared by all controls. The interface is the same up to minor differences imposed by the language.

The main property of the control is the path of the model file. This property can be set at design time and changed programmatically at run time. See Properties for the full list. The model path can be an empty string. In which case the display of the control window will be empty. This option is useful when accessing the file system is not desirable and the model needs to be constructed at runtime

See Programming DGKC Control topic about manipulation of the model and its rendering properties at runtime.

Adding DGKCn6 to a .NET 6.0 or later Visual Studio project

In Project menu select "Manage NuGet Packages..". Make sure nuget.org is the current package source at the top right corner.

In Browse tab search for DGKCn6. Select the item. Click Install on the right. Click Apply when prompted. The control will appear in the DGKCn6 group in the control toolbox in design mode. See also Patch Programming Tutorial.

Adding DGKC to a .NET 4.* Visual Studio project

Add reference to the installed DGKC.dll to the project. The control will appear in the control toolbox and can be added to a form in design mode. See also Patch Programming Tutorial DGK v7.1.