IGeometricObject2d_DG Interface
- Translate
- Translate
- Rotate
- Rotate
- Scale
- Mirror
- Mirror
- ToGlobal
- ToLocal
- GetGeomLocation
IGeometricObject2d_DG allows modification of 2D geometry. IGeometricObject2d_DG can be queried from: IArc_DG, IBSplineCurve2d_DG,
ICircle2d_DG, ILine2d_DG.
void Translate(T2DDg vectBy)
Modifies the geometry of this object so that all points (loci) are translated
void Translate(double vx, double vy, double vz)
Modifies the geometry of this object so that all points (loci) are translated
void Rotate(double angle, T2DDg center)
Modifies the geometry of this object so that all points (loci) are rotated.
void Rotate(double angle, double vx, double vy, double vz)
Modifies the geometry of this object so that all points (loci) are rotated.
void Scale(T2DDg center, double factor)
Scales the geometry of this object.
void Mirror(int axis, double position)
void Mirror(Line2DDg line)
void ToGlobal(IFrame2d_DG frameOfThis)
Assuming that this geometry is defined relatively to frameOfThis, modifies attributes of this so that
every point pt of the locus changes to frameOfThis.ToGlobal(pt).
In other words, if this object was defined relatively to frameOfThis, the result will define the same object relatively to the global axes.
void ToLocal(IFrame2d_DG frameOfOther)
Assuming that this geometry is defined relatively to the global frame, modifies attributes of this so that
every point pt of locus changes to frameOfThis.ToLocal(pt). In other words, if this curve was defined relatively to global axes, the result will define the same curve relatively to the frameOfOther.
Line2DDg? GetGeomLocation()
Obtains a ray, which is uniquely defined by the location and orientation of the geometry relative to the local construction axes.
The actuall ray is specific for the type of the geometry. For an arc, it is located at the first end and directed towards the second end.
The method is supposed to be used mostly for verfication of changes done with the above methods.