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Skip Navigation LinksHome Page > API Reference > Model > Entities > Movement > Collision Detection > IPathCollisionDetector_DG Go to ActiveX docs Search Documentation

IPathCollisionDetector_DG Interface


void AddObject(IEntity_DG entity, IMove_DG movement, bool includeChildren)

IKinematicSet_DG GetKinematicSet()

double Detect(PathDetectorContext_DG context)

If a collision has happened between any two objects of the set during the movement, the method returns a number in range [0, 1.0] which identifies the moment of the collision. Otherwise (no collision) returns a number greater than 2.0.

bool GetCollidedObjects(out IEntity_DG object0, out IEntity_DG object1)

Returns true if a collision has happened between any two objects of the set during the movement. In case of a multi-object collision the collided object0, object1 pair is selected randomly.

IEntityArray_DG GetCollidedObjectsEx()

Returns the set of all collided objects. This method is not fully implemented in the current version. In case of a multi-object collision the returned set contains the random pair identified by the GetCollidedObjects() method above. Please contact us to vote for full implementation.

IEntityArray_DG GetCollisionCounterparts(IEntity_DG entity)

Returns the set of objects collided with entity. This method is not fully implemented in the current version. Please contact us to vote for full implementation.