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Skip Navigation LinksHome Page > API Reference > Model > Entities > Geometry > BSpline BRep Geometry > Advanced Algorithms > IBRepFillet_DG Go to ActiveX docs Search Documentation

IBRepFillet_DG Interface


Modifies a shape by adding fillets for the specified edges. IBRepFillet_DG can be obtained using IObjectGenerator_DG:

IModel_DG > IObjectGenerator_DG > Create>IBRepFillet_DG>().

iBrepFillet.BuildAll(iBRepSolid, 20.0, 0);


iBrepFillet.Init(iBRepSolid, 0);
iBrepFillet.Add(20.0, iBRepEdge0);
iBrepFillet.Add(10.0, iBRepEdge1);
IBRepShape_DG iShapeResult = iBrepFillet.Build();

IBRepShape_DG BuildAll(IBRepShape_DG shape, double radius, int Rational0_Angular1_Polinomial2)

Builds fillets for all edges in the shape. No need to call any other methods.

void Init(IBRepShape_DG shape, int Rational0_Angular1_Polinomial2)

Initialised the algorithm by attaching the shape on which operation to be performed and defining the algorithm to be used.
Options for the algorithm type: 0-Rational, 1 - Angular, 2 - Polinomial.

After this call, use either BuildAll() or Add*() and Build(), with possibly setting other parameters in between.

void SetContinuity(Continuity_DG internalContinuity, double toleranceAngular)

Allows changing continuity to eCont_C0, eCont_G1 or eCont_C1. The efault is eCont_C1.
toleranceAngular is tolerance between the fillet and adjacent faces.
Raises an exception if Init() was not called prior to this call.

void Add(double radius, IBRepEdge_DG edge)

Lists the edge for filleting operation. Raises an exception if Init() was not called prior to this call. Call Build() to perform.

void Add1(double radius0, double radius1, IBRepEdge_DG edge)

Lists the edge for filleting. Filletting radius will change linearly from radius0 to radius1 along the edge. Raises an exception if Init() was not called prior to this call. Call Build() to perform.

void Add2(I2DPointArray_DG UandR, IBRepEdge_DG edge)

UandR specifies a tabulated variable profile of radius along the edge. It is expected to contain pairs (t, R), where t is a ratio along the edge in range [0,1] and R is the radius at the point.
Raises an exception if Init() was not called prior to this call. Call Build() to perform.

IBRepShape_DG Build()

Executes filleting on edges added with any of Add*() methods. Raises an exception if Init() was not called prior to this call.