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Skip Navigation LinksHome Page > API Reference > General Geometry > Curves > ICircle_DG Go to ActiveX docs Search Documentation

ICircle_DG Interface

Oriented 3D circle with center at the origin of its local frame defined by the Location property. Z axis of the local frame coinsides with the normal of the plane of the circle. Point on the circle in direction of the X axis of the local frame is the starting point of parameterization as retuned via the ICircle_DG > ICurve_DG > ParameterRange > Min query.

A standalone circle can be created via IObjectGenerator_DG.Create<ICircle_DG>() > ICircle_DG query.

Implements also: ICurve_DG, IGeometricObject_DG, IObject_DG.


Name Type Description
Radius double  
Center PointDg A shortcut for Location.Origin
Location IFrame_DG See comments above. Modifications to the IFrame_DG obtained via this property are not applied immediately. Use assignment to apply. Example:
IFrame_DG frame = myCircle.Location; frame.Rotate(0.5*Math.PI, 0); myCircle.Location = frame;



void Init(PointDg center, VectDg normal, double radius)

 normal defines normal of the plane of the circle. This method uses a heuristic method for defining the starting point of parametisation when this object is considered as a curve.

void Init(IFrame_DG frame, double radius)

Defines this as a circle at the origin of the x and y plane of frame.

void Init(PointDg point0, PointDg point1, PointDg point2)

void Init(PointDg endArc0, PointDg endArc1, VectDg normal, double radius)

Defines this as circle of an arc in plane with normal in direction of normal. normal is adjusted to make it perpendicular to [endArc0, endArc1] direction.

void Init(PointDg center, VectDg normal, VectDg axisX, double radius)

normal defines normal of the plane of the circle.
Point on the circle in direction of axisX defines the starting point of parametisation when this object is considered as a curve. axisX must not be collinear to normal;

PointDg GetPoint(double angle)

VectDg GetTangent(double angle)

VectDg GetNormal()

void Copy(ICircle_DG circle)

ICircle_DG Clone()

Returns a new copy of this.