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Skip Navigation LinksHome Page > DG Kernel Control > Programmatic Functionality > Core Types > LineDg Go to ActiveX docs Search Documentation

LineDg Class

A 3D line (ray).


PointDg Origin
VectDg Direction


LineDg(LineDg line);
LineDg(LineDg line);
LineDg(double originX, double originY, double originZ, double dirX, double dirY, double dirZ);
LineDg(double dirX, double dirY, double dirZ);
LineDg(PointDg origin, VectDg direction);
LineDg(VectDg direction);
LineDg(ILine_DG iLine);
LineDg(bool random);
PointDg GetPoint(double u);
bool Is(double originX, double originY, double originZ, double dirX, double dirY, double dirZ);
bool Is(double originX, double originY, double originZ, double dirX, double dirY, double dirZ, double tolerance);
bool IsValid();
bool IsValid(double tolerance);
void Copy(LineDg line);
void Copy(ILine_DG iLine);
ILine_DG Clone();
PlaneDg GetNormalPlane();
PlaneDg GetNormalPlane(double uAt);
double ProjectPoint(ref PointDg point);
double GetPointPosition(PointDg point);
VectDg GetVectorProjection(VectDg v);
PointDg GetPointProjection(PointDg point);
bool DirectTowards(PointDg point);
double GetAngle(LineDg line);
bool IsPointIncident(PointDg point);
bool IsPointIncident(PointDg point, double tolerance);
double Dist(LineDg line);
double Dist(LineDg line, out PointDg pointThis, out PointDg pointOther);
double Dist(PointDg point);
double Dist(PointDg point, out PointDg pointThis);
double Dist(PointDg point, out PointDg pointThis, out double paramThis);
double Dist(LineDg line, out PointDg pointThis, out PointDg pointOther, out double paramThis, out double paramOther, out LineVsLineLocation_DG location);
LineVsLineLocation_DG GetLineLocation(LineDg line);
LineVsLineLocation_DG GetLineLocation(LineDg line, double tolerance);
PointVsLineLocation_DG GetPointLocation(PointDg point);
PointVsLineLocation_DG GetPointLocation(PointDg point, double tolerance);
bool IsSameGeometric(LineDg line, double tolerance);
bool IsSame(LineDg line);
bool IsSame(LineDg line, double tolerance);
bool IsCollinear(LineDg line);
bool IsCollinear(LineDg line, double tolerance);
bool IsOrtho(LineDg line);
bool IsOrtho(LineDg line, double tolerance);
bool IsOrtho(VectDg v);
bool IsOrtho(VectDg v, double tolerance);
LineVsLineLocation_DG GetLineIntersection(LineDg line, out PointDg pointIntersection);
LineVsLineLocation_DG GetLineIntersection(LineDg line, out PointDg pointIntersection, out double paramThis, out double paramOther);
LineVsLineLocation_DG GetLineIntersection(LineDg line, out PointDg pointIntersection, out double paramThis, out double paramOther, out double distance, double tolerance);
void RotatePoint(ref PointDg point, double a);
void Rotate(LineDg axis, double angle);
void Slide(double dist);
void Translate(double dx, double dy, double dz);
void Translate(VectDg offset);
void MakeRandom();
bool IsCoplanar(LineDg line);
bool IsCoplanar(LineDg line, double tolerance);