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Interface Queries

Operation of obtaining an interface from an object with  .As<>, Query<> is called Simple Query. Example:

ICircle_DG iCircle;     		//... Initialise etc.
ICurve_DG iCurve = iCircle.As<ICurve_DG>();      // Circle is a curve
IObjectGenerator_DG gen = iModel.Query<IObjectGenerator_DG>();

Query<> and As<> operators are identical in behaviour.

Calls to a method returning an interface like  IEntity_DG iEntity = m_iModel.GetEntityAt(0); are called simple queries as well

Normally to get access to a specific functionality it is needed to traverse several levels in the hierarchy of interfaces. Such a sequence of simple queries is called extended query (or just query). Its description in textual form is called query path. 

Example of a query path: DG Kernel > GetModel() > IModel_DG > GetEntityAt() > IEntity_DG

In some rare situations, the result of a query can depend on the query path. Such queries are called Context-Dependent Query. Description of specific interfaces describes situations when the interface can be involved in a context-dependent query. Context-dependent queries should be carried out without any other queries from the involved interfaces.