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Geometry Attribute

Geometry is an attribute of entity. Geometry defines shape of the surface or curve or a set of points. In mathematical terms it defines internal distances between various points and parts of the shape.

Geometry does not have location or orientation. Most often it is expressed using data related to some fixed, but unspecified set of coordinate axes. Geometry obtains location and orientation only using local frame of the entity which uses the geometry. Geometries can be shared by different entities almost always at different locations/orientations

There are several significantly different types of geometry. Type is a string property of geometry. See IEntity_DG.GeometryType for the list of valid options.

Geometry is defined internally using various data structures which significantly depend on type of the geometry.

Supported geometry types:
Name GeometryType string Primary Interface Description
BRep BRep IBRepGeometry_DG Parametric geometry defined by NURB-based BRep shapes: Face, Solid, etc.
Mesh Mesh IMesh_DG Free-form meshed surfaces
Curve Geometry Curve ICurveGeometry_DG Geometry containing a curve
Line Strip SegmentStrip ISegmentStripGeometry_DG Geometry containing a set of segmented curves or straight lines
Point Set PointArray IPointSetGeometry_DG Geometry containing an array of 3D points
Overlay Overlay I2DEditor_DG Geometry, which presents a 2D model in a 3D plane
3D Label Label3D ILabelGeometry_DG 3D Labels
ViewPoint ViewPoint IViewPoint_DG View Points, which allow storing the current view configuration
Measurement Measurement IMeasurement_DG Measurements
Label3dManaged Label3dManaged ILabelGeometry_DG Smart Labels
Sticky Labels StickyLabel ILabelGeometry_DG See also: ISticky_DG.
3DS 3DS IStrip Arc spline surfaces and curves
SOR SOR IStrip Arc spline surface of revolution

There is also a number of deprecated geometry types providing backward compatibility with v5: Deprecated Geometries.