IEntity_DG Interface
Represents an entity
Typical methods of obtaning IEntity_DG: IModel_DG.GetEntityAt(); IEntity_DG.GetChildAt(); IObjectGenerator_DG.Create<Entity_DG>().
Implements also: IArray_DG (array of children), IMaterial_DG,
ITexture_DG, IConstraint_DG,
IMetrics_DG, IObject_DG, IUserData_DG,
- string Name
- string GeometryType
- bool Visible
- bool Transient
Valid options for the GeometryType property:
- BRep
- Mesh
- 3DS
- SegmentStrip
- PointArray
- Curve
- Overlay
- Label3D
- Label3dManaged
- Measurement
- ViewPoint
- StickyLabel
See more details in Geometry topic.
On changing the geometry type, if the requested type is different from the current type, the software replaces geometry of the entity with the new one. Where possible, its internal shape is copied (transformed) to the new type. The handler returns the new geometry for convenience. There is no need to call AttachGeometry() with the returned object. Density of the resulting mesh in case of type = "Mesh" can be controlled. Details. The SetGeometryTypeEx method below can also be used to explicitly specify deviation used in the convertion.
The Visible property controls persistent visibility only, which is not allways immediately reflected in the displayed scene. Use IScene_DG.Show() in the case instead.
- GetGeometry
- AttachGeometry
- SetGeometryTypeEx
- GetLocation
- GetLocationDetached
- GetAppearance
- SetColor
- SetVisible
- GetChildCount
- GetChildAt
- GetEntity
- GetLastChild
- AddChild
- Add
- AddNewChild
- AddNewChild1
- AddChildBRepShape
- AddNewChildBRepShape
- AddNewChildBRepSolid
- GetChildArray
- GetEntities
- GetEntityPath
- RemoveAt
- RemoveEntity
- RemoveEntities
- RemoveAll
- Find
- BuildChildToParentMap
- GetBoundingBox
- SaveAs
- Copy
- Clone
- GetExtendedProperties
- GetEnumerator
IGeometry_DG GetGeometry()
void AttachGeometry(IGeometry_DG geometry)
Changes or sets geometry of the entity. geometry can be created separately of obtained from another entity to share. Old geometry is released (and deleted is there were no other users for it)
IGeometry_DG SetGeometryTypeEx(string type, IDictionary_DG context)
Changes geometry type. See the GeometryType property above for valid options of the type parameter.
The context parameter is used in this version only during conversion of parametric (BRep,3DS,SOR) geometries to Mesh type.
If not null, context is checked for a double type item named "Deviation". The value determines precision of the approximation. It makes a difference only for curved surfaces.
It is recommended experimenting with low deviation first (1/10 of the geometry size as returned by GetGeometry()>GetBoundingBox()>GetMaxDimension() is a good start.) as an excessively fine mesh
can reduce performanace and increase file sizes dramatically.
IModel_DG iModel = m_dgkc.GetModel();
IStdShape_DG iStdShape = iModel.As<IStdShape_DG>();
IObjectGenerator_DG gen = iModel.As<IObjectGenerator_DG>();
IEntity_DG entity = iStdShape.Sphere(1);
IDictionary_DG context = gen.Create<IDictionary_DG>();
context.SetDouble("Deviation", 0.05);
entity.SetGeometryTypeEx("Mesh", context);
See also IEntityTest.SetGeometryTypeEx() method in Samples\NET\C#\Tests\InterfaceTests\IEntityTest.cs
IFrame_DG GetLocation()
Access to generic location, which includes orientation.
IFrame_DG GetLocationDetached()
A read-only version of GetLocation(). Modifications to the returned frame have no effect on the entity
IAppearance_DG GetAppearance()
void SetColor(float red, float green, float blue)
A simplified (shortcut) way to quickly change color of an entity. If the entity has material, values of ambient and diffuse components are set to the specified color
void SetVisible(bool visible, bool includeDescendents)
This method changes persistent visibility only, which is not allways immediately reflected in the displayed scene. Use IScene_DG.Show() in the case instead.
int GetChildCount()
IEntity_DG GetChildAt(int index)
IEntity_DG GetEntity(string path)
Accesses entities by their names. Allows retrieving entites on level deeper than the first.
Similar to Windows file system paths, levels are separated by back slashes. path must be relative to this
entity (the entity which implments this interface)
The second example is used in case when the third child has empty name string, in which case zero based indices are used.
The search is case insencetive.
IEntity_DG GetLastChild()
void AddChild(IEntity_DG entity)
void Add(IEntityArray_DG entities, int insertAtOrNegative)
IEntity_DG AddNewChild()
IEntity_DG AddNewChild1(string type)
type specifies type of geometry.
Valid values are listed at GeometryType property
IEntity_DG AddChildBRepShape(IBRepShape_DG shape)
Adds a new child entity with BRep type of geometry representing shape
IEntity_DG AddNewChildBRepShape(ShapeType_DG type)
Adds a new child entity with BRep type of geometry representing a new empty shape of the specified type
IEntity_DG AddNewChildBRepSolid()
Adds a new child entity with BRep type of geometry representing a new empty solid
IEntityArray_DG GetChildArray(bool includeDescendents)
if includeDescendents is true the returned array contains a flat array, which lists all descendents on all levels
IEntityArray_DG GetEntities(string path, bool includeDescendents)
if includeDescendents is true the returned array contains a flat array, which lists children of the entity at path and all its descendents on all levels
string GetEntityPath(IEntity_DG entity)
If entity is a descendent of this, returns path of entity relative to this. Otherwise returns an empty string.
void RemoveAt(int index)
bool RemoveEntity(IEntity_DG entity)
Removes an immediate child. Returns false if entity is not a child
void RemoveEntities(IEntityArray_DG entities)
If any entity in entities is a child of this it is removed from this
void RemoveAll(bool includingDescendantsFromParents)
Clears set of children of this. If includingDescendantsFromParents is true all descendents are removed (released) from their parents
int Find(IEntity_DG entity)
Returns 0-based index of an immediate child or -1
IMapUnkn_DG BuildChildToParentMap()
The returned map contains entities (map[IEntity_DG]) is an IEntity_DG) and is read-only in this release. map[iEntity] is parent of iEntity in hierarchy of descendents of this entity.
There is no GetParent() method as entities can be shared between models.
BoxDg GetBoundingBox(bool includeDescendants)
bool SaveAs(string filePath, bool includeChildren)
The path can have any supported extension.
Returns false in case of errors.
void Copy(IEntity_DG entity)
IEntity_DG Clone()
IDictionary_DG GetExtendedProperties()
IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
The returned IEnumerator interface type is part of Micorsoft .NET System.Collections namespace. This instance enumerates IEntity_DG of children of this entity.