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IEngrave_DG Interface


IEntity_DG Workpiece

The surface to be engraved upon. Querying IEngrave_DG from an entity attaches the entity as the workpiece to the result of the query.

string Text

The text to be engraved. It can have line break characters.

double Height

Geometric height of the text in modelling units.

double Thickness

Geometric length of extrusion in modelling units performed on characters before the operation.

double Spacing

Geometric space between characters in modelling units.

double LineSpacingRatio

Geometric space between lines will be computed as LineSpacingRatio*Height.

string FontName

"Arial" is the default in this version.

double Depth

Defines how deep characters will cut into the surface in modelling units.

LineDg OrientationRay

A ray, assumed to be close to the surface. It projection to the surface will define starting point and direction of the text.




See also Engrave Sample.

void AddTextLine(string line)

bool Engrave()

Performs engraving.

void Reset()

Removes any changes in the algorithm object and retuns the object to its default state. Any engraving performed will remain unchanged.