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Skip Navigation LinksHome Page > API Reference > General Geometry > Oriented Objects > IPolygon3D_DG Go to ActiveX docs Search Documentation

IPolygon3D_DG Interface

A polygon in 3D defined by an array of points. It is considered closed is the first and the last points coinside geometrically (tolerance 1e-6).

Polygons are often used to approximate a curve, in which case the GetParameters() may contain array of parameters on the curve.

A standalone 3D polygon can be created with a IObjectGenerator_DG.Create<IPolygon3D_DG>() call.

Implements also: IObjectOriented_DG, IObject_DG.


IPointArray_DG Points
IArrayDouble_DG Parameters



int GetPointCount()

bool IsClosed()

Returns true if the first and the last points are closer than 1e-6.